NESTORE - NESTed modeling approach for ORE development and cumulative impact assessment considering local to regional environmental and socio-economic stakes
NESTORE will assist the French offshore renewable energy industry to cope with the legal obligations to conduct cumulative impact assessments. NESTORE will develop a set of tools that inform stakeholders about local (at the scale of an offshore wind farm) and regional effects of the presence of offshore wind farms on the marine environment. This assessment will be based on a series of models acting on different spatial scales (from within a single wind farm to regional scales), including linear inverse food-web models, mass-balanced model and end-to-end models and their associated uncertainty.
- France Energie Marines
- partner
- 2022 - 2025
- Jan Vanaverbeke

Partners: France Energies Marines (FR), French National Research Center – CNRS) , (FR), University of Caen-Normandy – UniCaen (FR), University of West Brittany – UBO (FR), University of Littoral Côte d’Opale – ULCO (FR), University of Aix-Marseille – AMU (FR), IFREMER (FR), Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle – MNHN (FR), Ecole des Ponts Paritech/ CIRED/EHESS – ENPC (FR), Total Energies (FR), EDF Renewables (FR), EOLFI-Shell (FR), RTE (FR), RWE GIS EMDT (FR)