Ulrike Braeckman
Ulrike Braeckman (PhD in Sciences: Biology at Ghent University, 2011) is a marine ecologist intrigued by the effects of climate change and multiple anthropogenic stressor effects on marine ecosystem services, amongst others biodiversity, food provisioning, nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration. She combines field sampling and in situ measurements with laboratory experiments and modelling to unravel carbon budgets in food webs and shed light on the fate of carbon in marine ecosystems in future climate scenario’s. Her research is situated at the intersection of marine ecology and biogeochemistry and study sites include the North Sea (with effects of Offshore Windfarm developments in particular), Arctic and Antarctic shelf seas.
Ulrike is a FED-tWIN researcher, bridging the MARECO group at the Institute of Natural Sciences and the Marine Biology Research Group at Ghent University.

- Research scientist
- ubraeckman@naturalsciences.be
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4333-9066