Annabelle Leahy Annabelle Leahy is an oceanographer and marine social scientist interested in spatial management, sustainable resource use, and offshore renewable energy. She has a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Carleton College (Minnesota, USA), an M.Sc in Oceanography (University of Rhode Island, USA), and a Masters in Marine Affairs (University of Rhode Island, USA) with…
Mirta Zupan Mirta Zupan (BSc in Marine Studies, University of Queensland, Australia; international MSc Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, EMBC+) is a marine ecologist passionate about protecting the ocean and curious in finding out how human activities at sea and nature conservation can work together. She recently successfully defended her PhD at Ghent University and at…
Helena Voet After obtaining a MSc in Biology (Belgium – Norway) and MRes in Marine Mammal Science (Scotland), Helena Voet obtained her PhD candidate at Ghent University (Belgium). She was involved in the BELSPO project PERSUADE (ExPERimental approaches towards Future Sustainable Use of North Sea Artificial HarD SubstratEs), studying the combined effects of offshore wind…
Giacomo Montereale Gavazzi Giacomo Montereale Gavazzi (BSc and MSc in Animal Biology and Conservation Ecology, Oxford Brookes University 2014, PhD in Geology, Ghent University 2019) is a marine ecologist with a strong experience in spatial ecology and underwater remote sensing. Within the Institute of Natural Sciences, he conducted highly multidisciplinary, experimental, and modelling research in…