JOMOPANS will deliver an innovative combination of modelling and high-quality measurements at sea for an operational joint monitoring program for ambient sound in the North Sea. The use of consistent measurement standards and interpretation tools will enable marine managers, planners and other stakeholders internationally to identify, for the first time, where sound may adversely affect the North Sea ecosystem. Next, we will explore the effectiveness of various options for reducing these environmental impacts through coordinated management measures across the North Sea basin. MARECO has set up and manages a long-term underwater sound monitoring station in Belgian waters. Aside of its contribution to JOMOPANS, this data directly feed into Belgium’s international environmental reporting duties.
- INTERREG North Sea
- 2018-2021
- Partner
- Alain Noro

Partners: Rijkswaterstaat (NL; coordinator), Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (UK), Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (DE), TNO (NL), Aarhus University (DK), Swedish Defence Research Agency (SE), Marine Scotland (UK), Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (NO), National Physical Laboratory (UK), Institute of Marine Research (NO)