
MarinePlan MarinePlan is an interdisciplinary project that advocates for an integrative ecosystem-based management of marine areas. Its objective is to develop a clear, practical and homogeneous methodology for ecosystem-based marine spatial planning implementation across European countries. This framework will account for all stages of the process, from pre-operational preparation, to implementation, monitoring and success evaluation.…


RBINS-EMBRC The RBINS-EMBRC project aims to develop a centrally managed ‘Artificial Hard Substrate Garden (AHGS)’, to provide a flexible in-situ offshore test facility as an EMBRC service pillar to researchers and industry. This test facility will support research on the effects of man-made structures (renewable energy devices, mariculture installations, coastal defense structures, etc.) on the marine…


CANOE Climate chANge impacts on carbon cycling and fOod wEbs in Arctic Fjords Greenlandic fjords support highly productive and diverse food webs, while they play an important role as CO2 sinks. At the same time, global warming significantly impacts these systems through the accelerated melting of ice. CANOE aims to investigate to what extent glacial…


APELAFICO Apelafico collects data on density and diversity of pelagic fish in and around offshore wind farms in association with acoustic conditions during the construction and operation of wind farms. The project also zooms in on fish behaviour in the direct vicinity of pile driving activities (i.e. danger zone) and, tests and improves an acoustic…

On the Compatibility of Offshore Wind Farms and Marine Protected Areas

On the Compatibility of Offshore Wind Farms and Marine Protected Areas The race for space in the marine environment urges the consideration of co-locating human activities at sea. The recently proliferating offshore wind farms pose threats to and at the same time, offer possibilities for marine conservation and restoration. MARECO investigates options for mitigating undesired…


UNITED Multi-Use offshore platforms demoNstrators for boostIng cost-effecTive and Eco-friendly proDuction in sustainable marine activities The UNITED project will provide evidence for the viability of ocean multi-use through the development of five demonstration pilots in the real European marine environment. The Belgian pilot is centered around the combination of offshore wind energy, seaweed (Saccharina latissima)…

Belgian National Non-Indigenous Species Monitoring

Belgian national non-indigenous species monitoring Non-indigenous species may have substantial impact on the marine ecosystems, especially in coastal regions. They may change the original habitat, oust the native species and consequently alter the ecosystem structure and functioning. They hence are of particular managerial concern and therefore addressed by the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. To…